Archive by category Opinion

[Jeffrey D. Sachs] Geopolitics of the war with radical Islam
[Jeffrey D. Sachs] Geopolitics of the war with radical Islam

NEW YORK ― French Prime Minister Manuel Valls was not speaking metaphorically when he said that France is at war with radical Islam. There is, indeed, a …

Need for tolerance is greater than ever

The Paris shootings shocked the world and signaled deep polarized views. Why are views so polarized everywhere? Polarization today is more acute than ever in …

China learns airline etiquette, the hard way

On Monday West Air Flight 6272 was taxiing to the gate at Jiangbei Airport in Chongqing, China, when a passenger decided, for no discernible reason, to open an …

[Editorial] Fair reform

Last week, we were given a rare glimpse of military salaries. It was interesting to know that our top men and women in uniform receive fairly decent paychecks, …

[Editorial] Long overdue

The Nuclear Safety and Security Commission again delayed its already long overdue decision on whether or not to allow the extension of the operation of the …

[David Ignatius] The roots of radicalization
[David Ignatius] The roots of radicalization

WASHINGTON ― What’s the relationship between the Internet and the surge of jihadist violence in Paris and around the world? That’s the puzzle examined by …

Islamic State’s psychological war on U.S.

This week, Pentagon officials began calling up retired generals to let them know that their home addresses, private emails and other personal information had …

[Ram Garikipati] The curious case of Uber’s foray into Korea
[Ram Garikipati] The curious case of Uber’s foray into Korea

Over the past couple of years, the sharing economy ― a system built around the sharing of human and physical resources ― has caught the world by storm. …

A surfing reflection

MELBOURNE ― For me, as for most Australians, summer holidays have always meant going to the beach. I grew up swimming and playing in the waves, eventually …

No hashtag for WWII veteran’s death

John Wrana, the 95-year-old World War II veteran killed by police, wasn’t killed for selling illegal “loosie” cigarettes on the streets of New York. And …

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