Archive by category Opinion
Despite the low profile and low-level nature with no substantial results, that Chinese and Japanese defense and maritime officials did meet and talk means a …
World financial markets started this year with violent fluctuations in stock prices and foreign exchange rates, producing uncertain prospects ahead. This pours …
WASHINGTON ― In the days after the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, France declared “war” on terrorism, 10,000 French paramilitary …
The leaders of Russia and Ukraine will meet in Astana, Kazakstan, on Jan. 15 to discuss, once again, an end to the fighting that has roiled eastern Ukraine’s …
President Park Geun-hye’s New Year press conference further cemented the public’s perception of the president as being out of touch with the general public …
Defying the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 10 of its staff last week, the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo published a special “survivors’ …
MUNICH ― There is much to criticize in economics nowadays. For example, the profession focuses far too little on political issues and far too much on beating …
Higher education in America is at a crossroads of two compelling, but competing, forces ― the traditional approach versus a new reality. Traditional …
On Friday, the day French police killed the terrorists who attacked Charlie Hebdo, the liberal Saudi blogger Raif Badawi was publicly flogged in Jeddah for …
The Distribution Industry Development Act of 2012 is indeed unique in many respects. It is designed to restrict the business activities of large retailers such …