Archive by category Opinion
NEW DELHI ― As the New Year dawns, it has become increasingly clear that India’s new government faces a dilemma entirely of its own making ― one that its …
One of the most common criticisms directed at President Park Geun-hye is that she is a bad communicator ― not in the sense that she is a bad speaker, but in …
WASHINGTON ― The recent plunge of oil prices to below $50 a barrel offers the same lessons as previous sharp fluctuations: Energy markets work and …
Hyundai Motor Group has announced plans to invest nearly 81 trillion won ($73 billion) over the next four years. This is good news for the Korean economy, …
Republicans, who now run Congress, say they want to cooperate with President Obama and point to the administration’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, as …
In the eyes of many psychiatrists here, what put Cho Hyun-ah, a member of the family that owns Korean Air, in her current predicament is her lack of ability to …
In mid-December, President Obama signed into law the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, which, among options for more sanctions against Russia, calls on the White …
It is high time that the government adopts a clear position on the controversial flying of anti-North Korean propaganda leaflets across the border by activist …
The plan by several universities to scrap the system allowing students to defer graduation and maintain their enrollment status without paying fees is facing …
If president Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has his way, expect fewer invitations to lavish wedding parties this year. In fact, expect fewer wedding invitations …