Archive by category Opinion
Laura Poitras’ new documentary about mega-leaker Edward Snowden, “Citizenfour,” makes no pretense at being evenhanded. It’s a polemic against the …
Flipping the calendar to 2015 makes time seem fleeting, but some of us will have more years on this planet than we expect. Demographers tell us that …
The film that’s been talked about the most among Americans during the last couple of weeks is not the one I most want to see right now. In fact, I have no …
The Russian Embassy in Seoul was upset by the publication of the article “Ukrainian Exhibition Marks ‘Revolution of Dignity’” (The Korea Herald, Dec. …
The country’s exports and trade surpluses reached all-time highs in 2014, with overall trade volume also climbing to a new record. Korea’s exports and …
When it became clear in late 2008 that the global economy was headed toward a crash at least as dangerous as the one that had initiated the Great Depression, I …
The U.S. measure to slap new sanctions on North Korea in response to the communist state’s alleged cyberattack on Sony Pictures may be a reminder to Seoul …
Imagine President Franklin Roosevelt announcing at the end of 1944, after the liberation of France but before the final defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial …
In the just-released film “Unbroken,” as in real life, U.S. Army Air Corps Lieutenant Louis Zamperini was beaten, starved and forced to work as a slave …
There’s still no definitive explanation of what caused last Wednesday’s New Year’s Eve stampede that left at least 36 dead and 47 injured. Perhaps, as …