Archive by category Opinion

[Andrew Sheng] What can we do about inequality?
[Andrew Sheng] What can we do about inequality?

The New Year is a time to think about what we can do better this coming year. Last year, rock-star French economist Thomas Piketty’s book on “Capital in …

Pakistan’s war against terrorism

It is a wake-up call, they say. A tragedy so awful the mind reels at the thought of it; the soul curdles at the sight of it. We’ve had many such wake-up …

Kim Jong-un meets the Streisand effect

Since its Christmas Day release on digital networks and in certain independent movie theaters, “The Interview” has pulled in $18 million. More than 2 …

[Jeffrey D. Sachs] Financing climate safety in 2015
[Jeffrey D. Sachs] Financing climate safety in 2015

NEW YORK ― The purpose of the global financial system is to allocate the world’s savings to their most productive uses. When the system works properly, …

[Editorial] Looking toward 2015

As we end one year and look forward to another, we are allowed to express hopes and wishes for the New Year. Given what the past year bequeathed to us and the …

Global implications of Putin’s winning streak

Since Russia invaded Crimea last summer, the West has relied on a strategy of economic sanctions and international isolation to compel the Kremlin to withdraw …

[Kim Seong-kon] Greeting the Year of the Ram and the Sheep
[Kim Seong-kon] Greeting the Year of the Ram and the Sheep

The Year of the Ram is dawning. Chinese zodiac websites are calling 2015 the “Year of the Sheep.” However, the word “sheep” in English has negative …

Say goodbye to Chinese-made steel

These are not the best of times to be one of China’s massive, state-owned steel mills. The domestic economy is slowing, competition is increasing, and …

[Lee Jae-min] Easy now, but difficult later
[Lee Jae-min] Easy now, but difficult later

When I first went to the United States to study in the summer of 1998, every trip to fast food joints was full of stress. I managed to submit my order, but had …

Threat of Europe’s massive shadow budget

MUNICH ― More details about the European Commission’s 315 billion euros ($390 billion) investment plan for 2015-2017 have finally come to light. The …

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