Archive by category Opinion
PRINCETON ― Anyone who does not share the ideology of the so-called “Islamic State” in Iraq and Syria is likely to agree that it is wrong for the …
Unlike the United States, not one of the following countries has had a single case of Ebola this year: South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana and Namibia. If …
It’s already the second week of December and the 50th week of 2014. The year of the Sewol ferry tragedy is waning, leaving in its wake the bottomless sorrows …
On Dec. 1, the country was hit with news of yet another disaster at sea. The 1,753-ton Oryong 501 carrying 60 crewmen went down in the western Bering Sea in …
Old habits die hard. The latest kickback scandal involving the country’s oldest pharmaceutical company and hundreds of medical doctors demonstrates that even …
During five weeks of living in the Korean community near Flushing area of New York City, I often wondered why the Korean residents gave up their life in Korea …
The march of time can be cruel. As months and years go by it erodes even the most horrifying events until they are dulled of their searing poignancy. Even one …
So here I am, an avid shopper in the land of shopping, ready to tackle the biggest shopping weekend in the United States. Of course, I am talking about Black …
When people propose new ideas to improve our situation, we tend to discourage them by responding, “It’s too early for us to do it.” Instead of welcoming …
It was the most Republican of times, it was the most Democratic of times. That’s the U.S. right now, a nation heading in two diametrically opposed …