Archive by category Opinion
I know that the nuns who had custody of my conscience for 12 long years will be hanging their heads about this, but I’ve come to the conclusion that you can …
Did she ever get steamed up at a negative portrayal in the media ― and there were many ― then have a few drinks and call the reporters to give them angry …
The reorganization of the Korea Coast Guard should be the start of a more rigorous policing of our waters against illegal fishing by the Chinese. Illegal …
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe still does not get it: The best way to regain the country’s honor is to own up to its history and sincerely apologize for …
PARIS ― U.S. President Barack Obama was elected in 2008 as a politician, and he’s on pace to finish his presidency as one, rather than as the statesman …
Plenty of economists are warning that Europe could soon look like stagnant Japan. In fact, Japan could stand to look a little more European ― or, to be more …
North Korea’s isolated and impoverished regime has sought to secure its survival by building a nuclear arsenal and placing its people under harsh control. …
Since its inception in 1948, the Korean Constitution has been revised nine times, most recently in 1987, when the wave of democratization was at its height. …
Figures released this week by the national statistics office showed deteriorating employment conditions for low-income earners. While a growing number of …
There are terror attacks, and there are pogroms. The attack at a Jerusalem synagogue this week that killed four rabbis was a pogrom. It was an attack motivated …