Archive by category Opinion

Billionaire investors need their space

Xcor Aerospace is offering a chauffeured ride into space for $95,000. SpaceX has an all-inclusive Mars package (round-trip, of course) for $500,000. And for …

Once strangers, now brothers

One day a new girl entered our classroom. I don’t remember her name, but she must have been 7 or 8, as we were. I still recall the way she looked: Very fair …

[William C. Hubbard] A realist’s road to democracy
[William C. Hubbard] A realist’s road to democracy

When the Berlin Wall fell on Nov. 9, 1989 ― 25 years ago ― liberal democracy appeared triumphant over authoritarianism, and the West poured resources into …

Next Ebola challenge: Spending the money

President Barack Obama is asking Congress for $6 billion in emergency funds to fight Ebola, including $2 billion for the U.S. Agency for International …

[Editorial] Genuine political reform

Few would disagree that politics is one of the least trusted or respected professions in Korea. The prevailing public view is that many politicians are …

[Editorial] Crimes that aid the enemy

It seems that almost all relevant government agencies and law-enforcement authorities are being mobilized to tackle corruption in defense acquisition programs. …

[Rachel Marsden] Intelligence key to defeating IS
[Rachel Marsden] Intelligence key to defeating IS

PARIS ― While the U.S. and its allies are struggling to figure out how to stop the Islamic State from metastasizing throughout the Middle East and beyond, …

Is the U.S. Republican Party good for Japan?

Perhaps no one in Asia is happier than Shinzo Abe and his ruling Liberal Democratic Party to see Republicans take over control of the U.S. Congress. Japan’s …

[Editorial] Our unhappy children

Our young ones are profoundly unhappy, casting a pall over the country’s future. According to the 2013 survey on the state of children in Korea released by …

[Editorial] Let Ban be

Facing growing speculation about a possible run for the presidency in 2017, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement denying media …

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