Archive by category Opinion

[Kim Kyung-ho] Volunteering to fight Ebola
[Kim Kyung-ho] Volunteering to fight Ebola

When President Park Geun-hye last month announced a plan to send medical personnel to the Ebola-hit countries of West Africa, many officials here were unsure …

Republicans courted Asians ― and it paid off

Evidence from recent election cycles suggests Republicans have some distance to go in winning minority support in major elections. But there was at least some …

Stop Indonesia’s fiscal hemorrhage now

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo should act firmly and now to stop the hugely wasteful spending of taxpayers’ money and reallocate the estimated $30 …

Clear sky should not be a special occasion

Cleaner air and bluer sky can be expected for the capital and its adjacent areas during the week when the APEC meetings are held. But it is the outcome of …

[Chandra Muzaffar] Understanding religious pluralism
[Chandra Muzaffar] Understanding religious pluralism

The fatwa issued by the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) and gazetted on July 31 declaring any person or group “professing liberalism or religious …

Myanmar: Too much speed will end in a crash

After decades of isolation Myanmar has flung its doors open to the world to reveal a country overflowing with enormous opportunities. Unlike its neighbors, it …

[Editorial] Sincerity toward talks

The brewing currency war between South Korea and Japan in the wake of Tokyo’s decision to increase monetary stimulus may add to the strain already put on …

[Yoon Young-kwan] Overcoming the Asian paradox
[Yoon Young-kwan] Overcoming the Asian paradox

Given that the 21 members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum account for some 54 percent of global GDP and about 44 percent of world trade, the …

[Editorial] Household debt risk

Low borrowing costs and eased regulations on home-backed lending have caused domestic mortgage loans to soar in recent months. The outstanding home-backed …

Polarized politics produces do-nothing Congress

The question of the day is, What difference will it make now Republicans have taken the Senate? The backdrop is a highly polarized political environment. …

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