Archive by category Opinion

How Harvard minted ‘free money’

It’s the time of year when elite universities vie for bragging rights about the performance of their endowments. The probable winner this year is Yale …

[J. Bradford DeLong] Danger of the rise of the robots
[J. Bradford DeLong] Danger of the rise of the robots

BERKELEY, California ― For decades, people have been predicting how the rise of advanced computing and robotic technologies will affect our lives. On one …

Are the world’s female leaders powerless?

NEW YORK ― Are women political leaders finally coming into their own? Are they not only winning more elections, but also finally able to campaign and govern …

[Shin Yong-bae] Shed authoritarian attitude
[Shin Yong-bae] Shed authoritarian attitude

They argue with Cabinet ministers, wag their fingers at them and even use off-color language. They are so powerful that they can avoid being arrested unless …

[Editorial] Economic shot in the arm

In yet another measure aimed at accelerating economic recovery, the government will delay tax investigations into 1.3 million small and medium-sized …

[Editorial] Assembly gets to work

The National Assembly finally returned to work after 151 days of not deliberating or passing a single bill. Following a day of continued bargaining, the ruling …

Volcanic activities difficult to predict

Once again, we have been confronted with a graphic reminder of the ferocity of volcanoes. Mount Ontake, a peak more than 3,000 meters above sea level that …

The West’s war of words against Islamic State

The week that was began loudly with spirited declarations on the world stage against the scourge of terrorism, particularly of the Islamic State (IS) variety. …

[Kim Myong-sik] Why do men fear their wives?
[Kim Myong-sik] Why do men fear their wives?

A man finally retires after a long, grueling working career. Taking a leisurely walk in a park under the blue sky on a Monday morning, he feels freedom, the …

Beheading not limited to Islamic State

In 1623, just two years after Native Americans and Pilgrims dined together at the first Thanksgiving, Pilgrim commander Myles Standish decapitated an enemy …

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