Archive by category Opinion
It’s the time of year when elite universities vie for bragging rights about the performance of their endowments. The probable winner this year is Yale …
BERKELEY, California ― For decades, people have been predicting how the rise of advanced computing and robotic technologies will affect our lives. On one …
NEW YORK ― Are women political leaders finally coming into their own? Are they not only winning more elections, but also finally able to campaign and govern …
They argue with Cabinet ministers, wag their fingers at them and even use off-color language. They are so powerful that they can avoid being arrested unless …
In yet another measure aimed at accelerating economic recovery, the government will delay tax investigations into 1.3 million small and medium-sized …
The National Assembly finally returned to work after 151 days of not deliberating or passing a single bill. Following a day of continued bargaining, the ruling …
Once again, we have been confronted with a graphic reminder of the ferocity of volcanoes. Mount Ontake, a peak more than 3,000 meters above sea level that …
The week that was began loudly with spirited declarations on the world stage against the scourge of terrorism, particularly of the Islamic State (IS) variety. …
A man finally retires after a long, grueling working career. Taking a leisurely walk in a park under the blue sky on a Monday morning, he feels freedom, the …
In 1623, just two years after Native Americans and Pilgrims dined together at the first Thanksgiving, Pilgrim commander Myles Standish decapitated an enemy …