Archive by category Opinion

Korea’s case for drawing foreign hospitals

Imagine if the MD Anderson Cancer Center, one of the world’s most prestigious cancer hospitals, decided to build its first Asian hospital in Korea. This …

[Editorial] Battling dementia

Dementia is a cruel disease that dilapidates not only patients but also their families. Its psychological, physical and financial impact is so severe that we …

[Editorial] Real safety innovation

The government has outlined its plan to draw up the Safety Innovation Master Plan, which is aimed at upgrading the nation’s safety system, in which numerous …

Can Modi induce foreign investment?

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spent much of September persuading the leaders of the world’s biggest economies to invest in India. He succeeded …

[Robert Reich] Who should bear risks?
[Robert Reich] Who should bear risks?

Thirty years ago, on its opening day in 1984, Donald Trump stood in a dark topcoat on the casino floor at Atlantic City’s Trump Plaza, crowing that his new …

[Editorial] Keep pressing N.K.

North Korea’s appalling human rights situation has come under global scrutiny again, this time at the U.N. General Assembly and at a ministerial meeting on …

[Editorial] Another Blue House fiasco

There is an old saying that goes, “Personnel matters are everything.” Taking that maxim to heart, top businesses allocate great resources to finding the …

UNGA an exercise in message-shaping

World leaders, some of whom are taking their shady human-rights records and diplomatic immunity out for some exercise, have descended upon New York City this …

[Noah Smith] Getting out of Japan’s debt trap
[Noah Smith] Getting out of Japan’s debt trap

Japan’s government has a lot of debt. Not as much as people think ― since much of that debt is owed by one branch of the government to another, net debt …

[Maria Amir] Policing Mathira, Deepika, all S. Asian women
[Maria Amir] Policing Mathira, Deepika, all S. Asian women

In my limited experience discussing the origins and impact of sexism with my peers and students, there is nothing that comes up more often than questions of …

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