Archive by category Opinion
The Sewol ferry disaster in April raised public awareness of the importance of reforming the civil service. A key element in the reforms is shutting down the …
The government has announced a drastic increase in cigarette prices to fight cigarette smoking, which is a serious problem in Korea. The announcement included …
Detroit is the largest city ever to seek bankruptcy protection, so its bankruptcy is seen as a potential model for other American cities now teetering on the …
About a week ago, I asked my friends on Facebook whether there was really any chance that Scotland would leave the U.K. At that point, the “yes” vote was …
The key architect of North Korea’s nuclear diplomacy recently reiterated Pyongyang’s call for an unconditional resumption of the six-party talks on the …
Korea has seen its exports to China, its largest trading partner, falling this year, even as its overall shipments abroad continue to grow. This trend is …
WASHINGTON ― For President Obama, this is gut-check time on Iraq. He is moving the nation back onto a pitiless battlefield, with a war plan that is long on …
In response to the Russian threat, Western leaders at the recent NATO summit reiterated their commitment to defending alliance members in the Baltic and …
When U.S. Republican Senator John McCain made his first visit to Indonesia during the recent Codel (congressional delegation) junket season, it was ostensibly …
The dichotomy between perception and reality appears more pronounced when one starts assessing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his performance in the …