Archive by category Opinion

Too fast a journey to becoming empty-nesters

They don’t talk about the quiet in the house. Instead friends tell you all the fun you’ll have together, all the freedom you’ll finally achieve, once …

[Kim Seong-kon] What we learned from Pope Francis’ visit here
[Kim Seong-kon] What we learned from Pope Francis’ visit here

South Korea is a paradise for religions. Indeed, Koreans are so religious that all kinds of religions thrive here. Most Koreans are either Christians or …

The trap of unaffordable subsidies

Few policies place good economics so directly at odds with good politics as subsidies for food and energy. The issue of unaffordable subsidies is now front and …

[Editorial] Pope leads by example

Pope Francis’ five-day visit to Korea was a pastoral visit aimed at tending to Catholics here and, more broadly, throughout Asia. Yet, his visit was followed …

[David Ignatius] Islamic State’s staying power
[David Ignatius] Islamic State’s staying power

WASHINGTON ― The Obama administration’s Iraq policy seems premised on the idea that the terrorist Islamic State is so toxic that it will be self-limiting …

[Editorial] Small but practical steps

President Park Geun-hye’s Liberation Day speech on Aug. 15 included proposals to North Korea for environmental, infrastructure and cultural cooperation in …

Elected demagogues threaten democracy

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s prime minister, brutally cracked down on protesters in Istanbul’s Gezi Park last year, banned Facebook and YouTube, faced …

[Mohamed A. El-Erian] Bretton Woods system faces need for reform
[Mohamed A. El-Erian] Bretton Woods system faces need for reform

LAGUNA BEACH, California ― The world has changed considerably since political leaders from the 44 Allied countries met in 1944 in Bretton Woods, New …

China, India, Indonesia: Asia’s reform trinity?

SINGAPORE ― Asia is poised to enter a historical sweet spot, with three of its most populous countries ― China, India, and Indonesia ― led by strong, …

K-pop is no longer a cult phenomenon in the U.S.
K-pop is no longer a cult phenomenon in the U.S.

Here I am a week after leaving Korea for the great American adventure, in a sports arena filled with 15,000 fans screaming “Gee Gee Gee Gee” at the top of …

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