Archive by category Opinion

Mr. Obama, it’s time to get presidential

Democratic lawmakers left for their summer recess this weekend worried about the midterm elections and despondent over President Barack Obama. Congressional …

[Editorial] Bloodshed in Gaza

Nearly a month of bloody conflict between Israel and the Islamist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip has inflicted insufferable pains on Palestinian civilians …

[Editorial] Record spending abroad

Spending by Korean travelers abroad hit a record high in the second quarter of this year in contrast to a protracted slump in domestic consumption in the …

Teach your children well about business

One of my favorite institutions in American life is also the most humble and is a feature of the hot days of my fondest season: the summer lemonade stand. …

[Naomi Wolf] Israeli society is polarizing over unholy war
[Naomi Wolf] Israeli society is polarizing over unholy war

NEW YORK ― As the bombardment of Gaza continues, and the civilian death toll rises above 1,200 ― with children comprising one-quarter of the victims ― …

A defiant Argentina imperils its future

A faltering economy. A plunging currency. Double-digit inflation. And now the second default on its national debt in little more than a decade. Argentina is in …

[David Ignatius] The Islamic State’s challenge
[David Ignatius] The Islamic State’s challenge

WASHINGTON ― Warnings from U.S. officials about the terrorist Islamic State that has established a safe haven in Iraq and Syria sound ominously like the …

[Editorial] Railway scandal

The prosecution is set to question Rep. Cho Hyun-yong of the ruling Saenuri Party over allegations that he took hundreds of millions of won in bribes from a …

[Editorial] Rebuilding opposition

The main opposition party, which framed the July 30 parliamentary by-elections as a referendum on President Park Geun-hye’s performance, faced a humiliating …

Twitter still no match for Facebook

Twitter is now profitable, practically speaking. To justify its inflated valuation, however, it must overcome a problem inherent in all advertising-driven …

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