Archive by category Opinion

[Robert J. Fouser] Expanding local democracy
[Robert J. Fouser] Expanding local democracy

Today Korea holds elections for all levels of local government. The elections for mayor and governor, particularly in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, have …

Sex, drugs and accounting in Europe

Europe has a new source of economic growth. In the next few months all European Union countries that do not already include drugs, prostitution, and other …

The war between ‘authors’ and writers

The event was no place for people like me. At least that’s what I’d read on the Internet. It was the inaugural program of an upstart association called the …

[Kim Seong-kon] Rereading ‘The Reader’
[Kim Seong-kon] Rereading ‘The Reader’

When I first came across the film adaptation of Gunter Grass’s “The Tin Drum,” in 1978, I was shocked by the graphic scenes that powerfully but …

[Michael R. Bloomberg] Obama keeps his promise
[Michael R. Bloomberg] Obama keeps his promise

Less than a week before the 2012 election, I endorsed President Barack Obama for one main reason: his commitment to confronting climate change with bold new …

[Editorial] Parliamentary probe

The National Assembly on Monday launched an investigation into the deadly sinking of the Sewol ferry, about 50 days after the tragedy took place, leaving more …

[Editorial] Advance voting

The June 4 local elections are different from previous ones in several respects. One of them concerns the voting system. Previously, voters who could not go to …

NSA leaker still doesn’t look like a hero

Accused National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden was handed a golden opportunity to justify himself Wednesday when he was asked by NBC’s Brian Williams …

No, China isn’t really rebalancing economy

“Tolerance” and “slowdown” clearly mean something different in Beijing’s dictionary. Since November, when the Communist Party announced epochal …

[Naomi Wolf] Feminine leadership mystique
[Naomi Wolf] Feminine leadership mystique

NEW YORK ― In a single week earlier last month, Jill Abramson, the first woman to serve as executive editor of the New York Times, resigned under duress, and …

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