Archive by category Opinion
Today Korea holds elections for all levels of local government. The elections for mayor and governor, particularly in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, have …
Europe has a new source of economic growth. In the next few months all European Union countries that do not already include drugs, prostitution, and other …
The event was no place for people like me. At least that’s what I’d read on the Internet. It was the inaugural program of an upstart association called the …
When I first came across the film adaptation of Gunter Grass’s “The Tin Drum,” in 1978, I was shocked by the graphic scenes that powerfully but …
Less than a week before the 2012 election, I endorsed President Barack Obama for one main reason: his commitment to confronting climate change with bold new …
The National Assembly on Monday launched an investigation into the deadly sinking of the Sewol ferry, about 50 days after the tragedy took place, leaving more …
The June 4 local elections are different from previous ones in several respects. One of them concerns the voting system. Previously, voters who could not go to …
Accused National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden was handed a golden opportunity to justify himself Wednesday when he was asked by NBC’s Brian Williams …
“Tolerance” and “slowdown” clearly mean something different in Beijing’s dictionary. Since November, when the Communist Party announced epochal …
NEW YORK ― In a single week earlier last month, Jill Abramson, the first woman to serve as executive editor of the New York Times, resigned under duress, and …