Archive by category Opinion

Obama’s new strategy: Outsource war on terror

President Barack Obama on Wednesday charted a vision for protecting America that relies less on military power and more on training foreign security forces to …

Piketty entangles economics with moral philosophy

BERKELEY, California ― The best review of Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” that I have read so far is the one published by my …

[David Ignatius] A time-limited foreign policy
[David Ignatius] A time-limited foreign policy

WASHINGTON — President Obama‘s measured defense of his foreign policy at West Point on Wednesday made many cogent points to rebut critics. …

[Editorial] N. Korea-Japan thaw

North Korea has agreed to reopen the investigation into Japanese citizens it abducted in the 1970s and 1980s. In return, Japan will lift some of the sanctions …

[Editorial] U.N. office on N.K. rights

The United Nations’ decision to open in South Korea a field office on human rights in North Korea should be welcomed. No place is better suited for the …

Why women ― and voters ― prefer jerks to fops

PARIS ― An intriguing social phenomenon prompted a horrific killing spree in Santa Barbara, California, last week, and the same phenomenon might help explain …

[Yu Kun-ha] Ferry fiasco casts long shadow over local elections
[Yu Kun-ha] Ferry fiasco casts long shadow over local elections

On Wednesday, Koreans go to the polls to select some 4,000 local administrative and legislative officials, including mayors for Seoul and seven other major …

Our last chance for a safe planet

MELBOURNE ― Humanity has just about run out of time to address climate change. Scientists have pointed out that a rise in temperature of 2 degrees Celsius …

Is George Soros trying to spark a Japan rally?

Takahiro Mitani finds himself between George Soros and a hard place. Mitani is Japan’s $1.26 trillion man. The Government Pension Investment Fund that he …

[Editorial] Continuing disasters

While the country is still reeling from the trauma of the Sewol ferry tragedy, manmade accidents resulting from indifference to safety continue to take place. …

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