Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] No lessons learned

President Park Geun-hye has suffered another major personnel appointment debacle. On Wednesday, her prime minister nominee, Ahn Dae-hee, announced his …

[Robert Reich] Hard-charging capitalism
[Robert Reich] Hard-charging capitalism

For years Americans have assumed that our hard-charging capitalism is better than the soft-hearted version found in Canada and Europe. American capitalism …

That ‘Car War’ with China? U.S. already lost

Critics of China are fired up over the World Trade Organization’s ruling on Friday that Chinese tariffs on American-made SUVs and luxury cars violate …

[Editorial] Buying nominations

The corruption scandal involving Rep. Yoo Seung-woo of the Saenuri Party shows how hard it is to end the dirty practice of candidates buying nominations from …

[Hwang Jang-jin] Park Geun-hye’s Sewol crisis
[Hwang Jang-jin] Park Geun-hye’s Sewol crisis

President Park Geun-hye has a knack for crafting pithy sound bites and taking swift action to move the public, disarm enemies and ride out of trouble at …

[Editorial] Second deputy P.M.

President Park Geun-hye plans to name a second deputy prime minister who will oversee educational, social and cultural affairs. The plan is part of a scheme to …

Congrats on that diploma; You may not need it

College graduation season is in full bloom, and this year American institutions will confer about 1.8 million bachelor’s degrees. As in the past, many of the …

[Juan L. Mercado] Alternative scenarios for future of Asia
[Juan L. Mercado] Alternative scenarios for future of Asia

Few Filipinos have visited the Natuna archipelago of Indonesia’s Riau province. It straddles one of the world’s potentially largest gas fields. And over …

Philippines ups tempo

I have been a major “bull” on the Philippines. The combination of an educated, English-language speaking workforce and a deep-rooted work ethic has turned …

Post-election economic landscape in Indonesia

Amid slowing economic growth, higher budget deficit and increased exposure to external debt, the future of the domestic political landscape is showing some …

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