Archive by category Opinion

[David Ignatius] A hopeful dialogue on Mideast
[David Ignatius] A hopeful dialogue on Mideast

BRUSSELS ― Getting the former spy chiefs of Israel and Saudi Arabia to talk together about peace is hardly a breakthrough, but it at least helps keep alive …

Navigating charity’s fast and slow lanes

Imagine that you’re running a charity. Suppose you have evidence showing that your charity is highly effective ― that you are really making a difference in …

[Editorial] Outwitting North Korea

Four years have passed since Seoul slapped blanket economic sanctions on North Korea in May 2010 in retaliation for its torpedo attack on a South Korean …

[Editorial] A delicate balance

It has become a formulated remark by Seoul officials that South Korea will continue to strengthen its security alliance with the U.S. while expanding its …

Beijing’s hardheaded stance on minorities won’t stop killing

China’s problems stemming from minorities in the west of the country ― particularly the Uighurs, but also the Tibetans ― do not seem to be coming to an …

VA scandal fits established Obama narrative

We don’t normally expect our presidents to pay close attention to how long veterans are being asked to wait for care in the vast medical system run by the …

[Kim Myong-sik] Problematic party affiliation in local autonomy
[Kim Myong-sik] Problematic party affiliation in local autonomy

A few weeks ago, I met Gangnam District chief Shin Yeon-hee in her office for the first time. It was shortly before the district head stopped her official …

Sewol incident and aftermath

The recent, tragic accident of the Sewol ferry, which claimed hundreds of lives, engulfed the nation with a sense of remorse and sorrow. Over a month has …

[Editorial] Governance reform

Calls to reform the governance structure of public broadcasters are growing as the feud between the president of the state-run Korea Broadcasting System and …

[Editorial] Feud at top bank

KB Kookmin Bank is in disarray as an internal feud that has erupted over the replacement of its computer system is boiling over into a power struggle between …

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