Archive by category Opinion

[Leonid Bershidsky] Why Russia stopped at Crimea

President Vladimir Putin has boasted that Russia took over Crimea “without a single shot being fired.” There’s even a propaganda movie that presents the …

[Stephen L. Carter] An American hero for all seasons
[Stephen L. Carter] An American hero for all seasons

Some years ago, I added “To Kill a Mockingbird” to the syllabus of my course on Ethics in Literature. I teach in a law school, and the students in the …

[Cass R. Sunstein] Calorie counts fight obesity
[Cass R. Sunstein] Calorie counts fight obesity

Until recently, the sophisticated view about calorie labels in restaurants was one of despair: A series of studies suggested that the practice, required by …

[Editorial] No more brinkmanship

A possible delay in the April general election is looming as the rivaling parties have yet to agree on a new electoral map and a set of key pending bills. The …

[Editorial] Industrial unionism

The Supreme Court has handed down a verdict that could undermine industrial unionism and weaken the influence of the Korea Confederation of Trade Unions, the …

[Editorial] Military lip service

The South Korean military is reportedly planning retaliatory countermeasures to the forewarned North Korean terror attacks. The administration’s recent …

[Editorial] BOK and household debt

The market is focusing on the latest data of outstanding loans to households as of December 2015, to be released by the Bank of Korea on Wednesday. The …

[Park Sang-seek]  Greatest internal threats to Korean society
[Park Sang-seek] Greatest internal threats to Korean society

The greatest external threat to South Korea is North Korea. In dealing with this threat, citizens of the South should unite, but they are not quite united. In …

[Adam Minter] China’s empty malls get weirder

The Printemps department store outlet in Shanghai’s Pudong District would seem to have all the amenities necessary to succeed in modern Chinese retail: …

[Joseph E. Stiglitz] Closing developing countries’ capital drain

Developing countries are bracing for a major slowdown this year. According to the U.N. report World Economic Situation and Prospects 2016, their growth will …

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