Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Connections matter

The Park Geun-hye administration indulges in favoritism in appointments to public office as much as previous administrations. The latest noise comes from the …

[Kim Ji-hyun] Age is more than a number
[Kim Ji-hyun] Age is more than a number

Whenever I stroll around Tokyo, walk into shops or basically do anything that involves meeting people, I forget my age. I thought it was because I was this …

[Editorial] Ambiguous stance

The Gaeseong complex incident has created another split in public opinion over state policy, following the Education Ministry’s plan to publish uniform …

[Editorial] Volatile crude prices

South Korea is enjoying cheap crude prices even though some industrial sectors, such as those of petrochemicals and oil plant construction, are estimated to …

[Kim Myong-sik] From fear, anger to stronger unity, resolve
[Kim Myong-sik] From fear, anger to stronger unity, resolve

There was a time at the height of the Cold War when “MAD” was much talked about as the ultimate strategy in the U.S.-Soviet nuclear confrontation. As some …

[Robert J. Fouser] Fragility of international cooperation
[Robert J. Fouser] Fragility of international cooperation

Since the late 2000s, news coming out of Europe has been negative. The financial crisis of 2008 hit Europe hard. Concerns over high debt levels in Greece, …

[Kim Seong-kon] Korea’s friendship with Southeast Asia
[Kim Seong-kon] Korea’s friendship with Southeast Asia

North Korea has done it again. This trigger-happy country, which keeps turning a deaf ear to warnings from the international community, launched a missile …

[Editorial] Aid for Gaeseong firms

The government is working hard to provide assistance to the companies that operated in the suspended Gaeseong Industrial Complex, but officials of these …

[Editorial] Pressure on China

South Korea and the United States are rushing to mete out strong unilateral sanctions on North Korea, stepping up pressure on China to move toward tougher U.N. …

[John. H. Cha] Unforgotten soldiers of the ‘forgotten war’
[John. H. Cha] Unforgotten soldiers of the ‘forgotten war’

The Korean War is often characterized as the “forgotten war.” Just about all the books and articles I’ve read on the subject of Korean War contain those …

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