Archive by category Opinion

[Kim Ji-hyun] Aging with grace
[Kim Ji-hyun] Aging with grace

A few weeks ago, there was a bit of a row among a couple of Korean ladies living in Tokyo. To cut a long story short, an older lady ended up apologizing to a …

[Nir Kaissar] Who’s afraid of financial robo-advisers?

The Massachusetts Securities Division recently fired a shot heard around the robo-adviser world when it declared that the online financial advisers may not be …

[Kim Seong-kon] Calling for modern Renaissance men and women
[Kim Seong-kon] Calling for modern Renaissance men and women

There is a Korean saying: “To find water, concentrate on digging one well at a time.” It means we need to become professionals and specialists, not shallow …

[Robert J. Fouser] Does Korea need an upper house?
[Robert J. Fouser] Does Korea need an upper house?

Today marks the 20th time that Koreans have gone to the polls to vote for members of the National Assembly. Since the founding of the Republic of Korea in …

[Editorial] Mounting suspicions

The Government Public Ethics Committee has launched its probe of senior prosecutor Jin Kyung-jun, who is facing questions over his stock trading gains worth …

[Editorial] Continued doldrums

Korean businesses are pinning their hopes on reaching some type of agreement at a meeting between the OPEC and non-OPEC members in Doha on April 17. If the oil …

[Francis Wilkinson] The ambition of Bernie Sanders

Ambition is the most consistent, yet variable, component of public life. Lincoln and FDR had it, and that was good. Benedict Arnold and Joseph McCarthy had it, …

[Guy Verhofstadt] Europe’s rule-of-law crisis

From the rubble of two world wars, European countries came together to launch what would become the world’s largest experiment in unification and …

[David Ignatius] Military leaders GOP could draft for president

As Republicans head toward what could be a stalemated convention, they might recall how the party healed itself in 1952 in what was known as the “winter of …

U.S. man due to die because he is black

Duane Buck was convicted in 1997 of murdering his ex-girlfriend and a male friend. After a Texas jury determined that he was likely to pose a continuing danger …

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