Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Cheap Korean currency

The South Korean won has weakened against major currencies including the dollar in the wake of China’s devaluation of the renminbi as well as the U.S. …

Job discrimination in social media era 

In 1874, Father Patrick Francis Healy became the first African-American president of Georgetown University, and thus the first African-American president of a …

How Facebook makes us dumber

Why does misinformation spread so quickly on the social media? Why doesn’t it get corrected? When the truth is so easy to find, why do people accept …

[Editorial] Dying with dignity

The National Assembly has passed the “well-dying” bill, which would allow terminally ill patients to refuse meaningless life-sustaining treatments and die …

[Editorial] Unlevel playing field

It has been 12 days since the electoral map used for the previous general election expired Dec. 31 without a new one put in its place. It is the first time in …

[Joseph E. Stiglitz] Changes in the global geo-economic order
[Joseph E. Stiglitz] Changes in the global geo-economic order

Last year was a memorable one for the global economy. Not only was overall performance disappointing, but profound changes — both for better and for worse …

[Sanjeev Sanyal] Taming India’s entrenched elite
[Sanjeev Sanyal] Taming India’s entrenched elite

NEW DELHI — It has been more than a year and a half since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power on a promise to build a new India, one founded on …

Catch-22 of nationalism

On Christmas Day, hopes for high-level peace talks between India and Pakistan were higher than they’d been in years. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made …

Obama won’t coast to the end of his term

Republicans claim that Barack Obama is too passive on foreign policy. A few Democrats see him that way when it comes to politics. The president, however, is …

[David Ignatius] A political prize fight in Tehran
[David Ignatius] A political prize fight in Tehran

The power struggle in Tehran between moderates and hard-liners is heading toward a showdown in next month’s elections, which could shape the political …

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