Archive by category Opinion

[Andrew Sheng] Casting light from the shadows

In solving mysteries, the detective Sherlock Holmes used to say that “once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be …

[Ram Garikipati] Warnings on cigarette packs
[Ram Garikipati] Warnings on cigarette packs

As expected, South Korean tobacco-makers and retailers have expressed their opposition to the Health Ministry’s new antismoking policies, which require all …

[Stephen Mihm] Shocked by the Panama Papers?
[Stephen Mihm] Shocked by the Panama Papers?

The revelations about offshore accounts contained in the “Panama Papers” are sensational, but they are unlikely to put an end to these tax havens favored …

[Editorial] Undue pressure

In an unprecedented move, research heads of more than 30 domestic securities companies released a joint statement Thursday to condemn Hana Tour for attempting …

[Editorial] Abusive tycoons

Reports on chaebol scions and business owners accused of abusing their employees never cease, fueling anticorporate public sentiment and raising serious …

[Rachel Marsden] Offshore banking perverts global capitalism

The largest data leak in history — 11.5 million documents, coined the “Panama Papers” — is providing a glimpse into the 1-percenters’ world of …

[Emily S. Chen] Surrender of Japan’s peace constitution
[Emily S. Chen] Surrender of Japan’s peace constitution

In February, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called on the National Diet to amend Article 9 of the country’s constitution, which renounces war as a means …

[Editorial] Youth in plight

Korea is undergoing such rapid demographic changes that many relevant statistics keep producing new records. Those on marriage are no exception.  Latest …

[Editorial] Homework to do

With the campaigns for Wednesday’s general election in the final stretch, voters should think about decisions they have already made or will make. Here are …

[Mark Gilbert] New reasons to worry about Europe’s banks

European banks have lost their mojo. A toxic combination of negative interest rates, comatose economies and a regulatory backdrop that might euphemistically be …

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