Archive by category Opinion

We should tackle the other pollutants, too

Among climate scientists, the consensus is that we must become carbon-neutral by 2050 to avoid catastrophic environmental disruptions. Negotiators at the …

[Editorial] Economic challenges

One year ago, government economists said that the Korean economy would be able to recover its vitality in 2015 because the nation — with no election set …

[Editorial] Hope for change

Major Korean newspapers and broadcasters usually conduct opinion polls on the occasion of New Year’s Day, using the findings for special feature articles …

[Editorial] Unconvincing excuses

Undeniably, some negative external factors created big hurdles for the export-driven economy last year. Among those were economic slowdowns in some of South …

[Editorial] Taiwanese sex slaves

Following the deal between the South Korean and Japanese governments on wartime sex slavery last month, Taiwan is striving to open similar negotiations with …

[Cass R. Sunstein] The U.S. political incorrectness racket

Among Republicans, it has become politically correct to be politically incorrect. Actually that’s the most politically correct thing that you can possibly …

Watershed apology for heinous wartime crime

For Japan, World War II is not resolved history. It is, incredibly, a recurring controversy. Several times in recent decades, Japan’s leaders have expressed …

[J. Bradford DeLong] Piketty’s writing vs. Piketty’s actions

In “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” the French economist Thomas Piketty highlights the striking contrasts in North America and Europe between the …

[David Ignatius] Talk is cheap, real strategy is hard
[David Ignatius] Talk is cheap, real strategy is hard

Making New Year‘s predictions is tricky in this turbulent world, but here’s one fairly safe bet: The next president will propose a more assertive U.S. …

[Jean Pisani-Ferry] Responding to Europe’s political polarization
[Jean Pisani-Ferry] Responding to Europe’s political polarization

In Europe, 2015 began with the far-left Syriza party’s election victory in Greece. It ended with another three elections that attested to increasing …

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