Archive by category Opinion

Braced for Fed move

The rupiah fell to as low as 14,120 against the U.S. dollar on Monday, in part due to the U.S. Federal Reserve starting its monthly meetings on Tuesday, …

The Fed’s new normal and fiscal policy 

Wednesday’s announcement that the Federal Reserve will raise its benchmark interest rate by a quarter of a percentage point may be the most widely …

[Kim Ji-hyun] ‘As it is,’ it’s a man’s world
[Kim Ji-hyun] ‘As it is,’ it’s a man’s world

One of the first Japanese words I learned was “sonomama.” What it means is, “just as it is.”For instance, to ask a cab driver to go straight “as you …

[Editorial] Beating around bush

President Park Geun-hye has been repeatedly urging the National Assembly, particularly the News Politics Alliance for Democracy, to pass pending bills to …

[Bernard-Henri Levy] The French rally to the republic after far-right scare
[Bernard-Henri Levy] The French rally to the republic after far-right scare

Before the second round of France’s regional elections on Sunday, most predictions suggested that five, perhaps six, of the country’s regional governments …

[Editorial] Jejudo and Sydney

Land and apartment prices on Jejudo Island have shot up in the wake of active Chinese investments in the nation’s smallest province over the past few years. …

Stiglitz’s sticky prices give lessons on unemployment

For a long time, the assumption underlying much of mainstream economics was that the invisible hand worked its magic seamlessly. Prices moved smoothly up as …

Cruz taps into disaffected conservatives’ anger

All year long, smart Republicans have been whispering: Keep a close eye on Ted Cruz. He’s got a message that appeals to the party’s most conservative …

In Myanmar, malaria brings political changes

Myanmar is emerging from 50 years of isolation and military rule slowly. Even after the victory of the pro-democracy party in November elections, the country …

[Lee Jae-min] A climate pact with real teeth
[Lee Jae-min] A climate pact with real teeth

As noted law expert Michael Akehurst once opined, treaties are the “maids-of-all-work” for international law. Many countries conclude numerous treaties …

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