Archive by category Opinion

[Kim Seong-kon] Korean division in Duke University Library
[Kim Seong-kon] Korean division in Duke University Library

Perhaps it is an occupational hazard, but whenever I visit a city, whether domestic or foreign, I drop by the major university there. The first place I visit …

What I found on the other side of class divide

In the late 1970s, I went to Kingswood Oxford School and later Loomis Chaffee School. A member of the exclusive prep school club of Connecticut, mine was an …

A banner year for behavioral science

Behavioral science has become the usual term for psychological and economic research on human behavior, often designed to explore people’s biases and …

Paris climate pact is just a beginning

Given the grave danger posed by unchecked climate change, it’s understandable that concerned citizens worldwide would want to hail the historic …

A deal worth celebrating

Governments have taken a vital step in confronting global warming. Until now, there was no universal commitment to address the problem, no common target and no …

[Editorial] Deplorable scholarship

We are struck dumb by the report that 179 professors from 110 universities across the nation have been indicted for a crime that goes way beyond plagiarism …

[Editorial] New lending rules

The Korea Federation of Banks and the Financial Services Commission have jointly announced new lending guidelines for banks in their bid to curb household …

i-Reporter (December)

A Diamond Celebration Disneyland celebrated Mickey Mouse’s 87th birthday on November 18, 2015. Mickey Mouse, the most globally famous character in the Disney …

[Editorial] Low carbon age

The historic agreement 195 nations endorsed to curb global warming should be hailed by all on Earth, as it gives hope that the world can do many things to …

[Editorial] Bad bet

Ahn Cheol-soo’s decision to leave the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy and create his own political party is bad for himself, the …

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