Archive by category Opinion

[Shashi Tharoor] Chennai tragedy is a wake-up call to India
[Shashi Tharoor] Chennai tragedy is a wake-up call to India

Even as world leaders were meeting in Paris to address climate change, the city of Chennai (formerly Madras), the capital of the southern Indian state of Tamil …

[Joseph E. Stiglitz] When economic inequality kills
[Joseph E. Stiglitz] When economic inequality kills

This week, Angus Deaton will receive the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics “for his analysis of consumption, poverty and welfare.” Deservedly so. Indeed, …

[Editorial] Bad tradition

President Park Geun-hye is set to reshuffle the Cabinet soon, with at least five ministerial posts expected to be affected. The impending Cabinet appointments …

[Editorial] Worst report card

It is already well-known that the National Assembly is one of the least trusted public institutions in the country. This public view has obviously worsened …

[Kim Seong-kon] What lies beneath Korea’s glistening surface?
[Kim Seong-kon] What lies beneath Korea’s glistening surface?

South Korea has emerged as an advanced country with astonishing economic prosperity, which has led quite a few people from developing countries to want to …

[Robert J. Fouser] On Korean literature in translation
[Robert J. Fouser] On Korean literature in translation

Recent years have been good to Korean literature in translation. In 2011, Shin Kyung-sook’s “Please Look After Mom” was the first Korean novel that could …

[David Ignatius] The big hole in Obama’s Islamic State strategy
[David Ignatius] The big hole in Obama’s Islamic State strategy

At the center of President Obama’s strategy for dealing with the Islamic State is an empty space.  It’s supposed to be filled by a hypothetical “Sunni …

Is it possible for computers to be creative?

High-tech automation is eliminating jobs like Pac-Man gobbling yellow dots. According to a 2013 study by the Oxford Martin School, 47 percent of U.S. jobs are …

What Paris talks have accomplished so far

The two-week United Nations conference on climate change is halfway over, and no matter what else happens, it has already been a clear-cut success in two …

[Editorial] Assembly of misdeeds

One of the reasons the general public has lost faith in members of the National Assembly is that they — contrary to the expectations of the people who …

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