Archive by category Opinion
The late President Kim Young-sam who passed away Sunday will be laid to rest at the National Cemetery in Seoul on Thursday. An iconic figure of the country’s …
Recently, I went to the United States on a business trip. I had a tightly packed schedule, with stops in five cities, and as many as five connecting flights in …
Driving through areas in Seoul that are popular with tourists can test one’s patience. Tour buses take up entire lanes in some places — in front of the …
The special committee charged with investigating the Sewol ferry disaster that claimed more than 300 lives continues to be fraught with political wrangling …
The sudden death of former president Kim Young-sam last week underscores how far the 1980s and 1990s have fallen into the past. To the large number of …
The internal feud at the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy will mark an important turning point this week as Ahn Cheol-soo will soon clarify …
Kim Young-sam was no doubt a towering figure in Korean politics. Most of all, the man, along with Kim Dae-jung, was a crusader for the nation’s pro-democracy …
The recent dastardly terrorist attacks in Paris shocked the world, with countries scampering to tighten security in preparation for any eventuality.Even …
Diplomatic negotiations on Syria got lost in the aftermath of the Paris attacks a week ago. But the talks have made surprising progress — and they may …
At a lunch meeting with the 15 U.N. Security Council representatives on Sept. 24, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon suddenly exclaimed “the Security Council …