Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Export blues

The third-quarter economic growth data released by the Bank of Korea last Friday had both good news and bad news. The good news is that Korea’s economic …

[David Ignatius] Asia’s maritime game of chicken
[David Ignatius] Asia’s maritime game of chicken

The U.S. appears to be moving toward a military test of China’s claims of sovereignty in disputed areas of the South China Sea, and officials here seem …

[Francis Wilkinson] Hillary Clinton is Mrs. October
[Francis Wilkinson] Hillary Clinton is Mrs. October

October has been a clarifying month. The first Democratic debate exhibited Hillary Clinton’s competence and reassured the Democratic Party elite that she …

[David Ignatius] Putin aims to fulfill his mentor’s dreams
[David Ignatius] Putin aims to fulfill his mentor’s dreams

The godfather of Russia’s military intervention in Syria is Yevgeny Primakov, a former prime minister, intelligence chief and for decades his nation’s …

[Editorial] Science matters

It is needless to say that science and technology are vital to addressing many of the problems facing us today and forging a better future for mankind. The …

[Editorial] Foreign policy faux pas

President Park Geun-hye usually gets a higher score card on foreign policy, including dealings with North Korea, than on domestic affairs. Recently, however, a …

[Yu Kun-ha] Cutting work hours for more babies
[Yu Kun-ha] Cutting work hours for more babies

I became a grandfather in March. My daughter, who got married two years ago, gave birth to a lovely baby boy. These days, I feel that a newborn is a blessing …

[Editorial] Reforming school system

The ruling Saenuri Party is pushing to reform the school system as part of its campaign to raise the nation’s fertility rate and cope with an aging …

[Cyril Almeida] A nuclear deal for Pakistan: Need or prestige?
[Cyril Almeida] A nuclear deal for Pakistan: Need or prestige?

Cyril Almeida It may be the surest of things in politics: an immediate and strong governmental denial is usually a sign that something is afoot. With Prime …

[Editorial] Economic reform overdue

In February 2014, President Park Geun-hye unveiled a three-year economic reform plan to mark the first anniversary of her inauguration. She vowed to raise …

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