Archive by category Opinion

[Nicholas Carr] Let’s tap brakes on the Internet of everything

Americans live their lives on their phones now. So wrote 15 prominent technology companies, including Google, Facebook, Amazon and Snapchat, in a legal brief …

[Christina Seo] Millennials have own ways to access election info

I am a 24-year-old, Korean-American post-grad, and I have been reading about every turn of this year’s presidential campaign entirely on my phone, mostly …

[Jean Pisani-Ferry] Preparing for potential recession in Europe
[Jean Pisani-Ferry] Preparing for potential recession in Europe

If you do not understand what is happening to the eurozone economy, you are not alone. One day we are told that growth is definitely passe; the next that …

[Adam Minter] China wants to power the world
[Adam Minter] China wants to power the world

China’s State Grid Corporation, the world’s biggest power company, is on an impressive buying binge. As Bloomberg News reports, the company is “actively …

Downside of the minimum wage fad

Raising wages by government fiat seems to be catching on. The lowest-paid workers in Britain and California — two of the world’s largest economies — are …

[Editorial] Blessing or curse?

Korea is undergoing rapid demographic changes such as the fast aging of the population and an increase in the number of multicultural families, but it would …

[Editorial] In camouflage

Korea is a democracy, and any one eligible has the constitutional right to seek elected office. But what we hear about some of the candidates running for the …

[J. Bradford DeLong] Debunking America’s populist narrative

One does not need to be particularly good at hearing to decipher the dog whistles being used during this year’s election campaign in the United States. …

[David Ignatius] China’s political turbulence
[David Ignatius] China’s political turbulence

China’s intelligence service, the Ministry of State Security, offers a snapshot of the political intrigue taking place within the regime of President Xi …

[Elizabeth Drew] Causes behind Trump’s Republican success
[Elizabeth Drew] Causes behind Trump’s Republican success

Whatever becomes of his candidacy — whether he wins the Republican Party’s nomination or is even elected president of the United States — Americans and …

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