Archive by category Opinion

[Yang Sung-jin] Precious items for a castaway
[Yang Sung-jin] Precious items for a castaway

“The Martian” is a science fiction novel by American author Andy Weir. I read the book in an electronic version on my Kindle over a period of three days. …

[Editorial] Debt problem

A recent report from the Bank for International Settlements rang yet another alarm bell over Korea’s rising level of household debt. The ratio of the …

[Editorial] Outdated pattern

North Korea is returning to its provocative habits in the lead-up to the 70th anniversary of the founding of its ruling Workers’ Party on Oct. 10. It …

[Editorial] Follow-up actions

The tripartite committee’s agreement on labor reform is certainly welcome, but it does not mean that all hurdles have been cleared. Rather, it put all the …

[Editorial] Effective deterrent

There has come yet another report showing that corruption in the Korean civil service is as pervasive as ever. The report, compiled by the Justice Ministry and …

[Robert J. Fouser] Angry Americans rise up
[Robert J. Fouser] Angry Americans rise up

Fall is upon us and will soon deepen. In the United States, the fall before a presidential election year gives shape to the long race to follow. The campaign …

[Kim Seong-kon] Building ‘a republic of heaven’ on the peninsula
[Kim Seong-kon] Building ‘a republic of heaven’ on the peninsula

Recently, I reread Philip Pullman’s epic trilogy, “His Dark Materials,” with great enthusiasm. I first came across these novels in 2005 and found them …

[Editorial] Child care subsidy row

The government’s plan to limit free child care center services to some 6 to 8 hours per day for nonworking mothers starting next year has led to a storm of …

[David Ignatius] The fog of foreign policy
[David Ignatius] The fog of foreign policy

Dean Acheson, who is often seen as one of the great American secretaries of state, wrote in the final chapter of his memoir, “Present at the Creation,” …

[Elizabeth Drew] The trumping of American politics

As Republicans and Democrats go through the long process of selecting a nominee for next year’s presidential election, both parties face the same question. …

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