Archive by category World
NEW YORK ― One of America’s most prominent TV anchors, Brian Williams, faced calls for his resignation Friday for embellishing an Iraq war story from 2003. …
SHANGHAI (AFP) ― The towers of Disney’s planned Magic Kingdom in Shanghai are wreathed in scaffolding and mystery after the U.S. entertainment giant pushed …
Attacks in Baghdad, including a suicide bombing inside a restaurant, killed at least 32 people on Saturday, hours before a years-old nightly curfew was lifted. …
Eight members of an Al-Qaeda-linked group of Philippine militants have been killed in clashes with security forces in the country’s south, the military …
Islamic State extremists claimed that an American woman held hostage by the group was killed Friday in a Jordanian airstrike in northern Syria, but the …
U.S. President Barack Obama unveiled a new national security strategy blueprint on Friday, reaffirming his commitment to end North Korea’s nuclear …
NIAMEY, Niger (AP)–Islamic extremists from Nigeria attacked a border town inside the neighboring country of Niger, marking the second foreign country …
BEIJING (AP)–A secretly appointed Roman Catholic bishop detained by China for the past 14 years due to its feud over authority with the Vatican has died …
BRUSSELS (AFP)–The European Union has pledged one billion euros in funding for the crises in Syria and Iraq and the fight against the Islamic State …
BERLIN (AP)–German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Friday that she and French President Francois Hollande will “use all our power” while visiting …