Archive by category World
PARIS (AFP) ― 3-D printing will revolutionize war and foreign policy, say experts, not only by making possible incredible new designs but by turning the …
NEW YORK (AP) ― Mark Zuckerberg wants to add a little more “book” to Facebook. The Facebook founder and CEO announced on his page recently that he has …
Venezuelans have lunch while waiting in a long line to buy gasoline in Caracas, Venezuela. (Bloomberg) CARACAS (AFP) ― Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro …
Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh (center left), the father of Jordanian pilot 1st Lt. Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh, and Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, greet each …
VIENNA (AP) ― Iran and the U.S. have tentatively agreed on a formula that Washington hopes will reduce Tehran’s ability to make nuclear arms by committing …
JERUSALEM (AFP) ― Israel is delaying the transfer of taxes it collects on behalf of the Palestinians in retaliation for their application to join the …
ANKARA (AFP) ― Turkey’s Islamic-rooted government has authorized the building of the first church in the country in nearly a century, officials said …
Norway’s Anders Jacobsen soars during a trial jump at the third stage of the Four Hills ski jumping tournament in Innsbruck, Austria, Saturday. The third …
HONOLULU (AP) ― President Barack Obama plans new steps to help middle-income Americans, part of a 2015 agenda he hopes can build on the postelection momentum …
PANGKALAN BUN, Indonesia (AFP) ― Weather was the “triggering factor” in the crash of AirAsia Flight 8501 with icing likely causing engine damage, …