Facial recognition technology using artificial intelligence and AI “GB SOFT”
Facial recognition technology using artificial intelligence and AI “GB SOFT”

(Source from Reuters/Alamy) The movie Minority Report, starring Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise, has created a variety of issues not only in terms of art but …

Leading company in healthcare and smart ward construction
Leading company in healthcare and smart ward construction

Due to COVID-19, the world has experienced a pandemic and has become a “world where it is not natural.” This has caused mixed feelings in markets around …

Leading companies in the utilization of AI in healthcare
Leading companies in the utilization of AI in healthcare

Let me introduce infomining Co., Ltd., a company that studies human health and happiness. In order to make life more convenient and enjoyable, we will become a …

The chaotic situation in Korea.
The chaotic situation in Korea.

(Source from Reuters/Alamy) About 160 people were killed in recent casualties caused by the Itaewon Halloween Festival among Korean teenagers and 20s. And …

Even without coding, A.I. can replace human resources by developing programs.
Even without coding, A.I. can replace human resources by developing programs.

As IT technology is applied to the entire industry from home appliances to automobiles, the IT industry is suffering from a lack of developers these days. …

Hyundai Motor Group’s Big Three Leap
Hyundai Motor Group’s Big Three Leap

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman will mark the second anniversary of his inauguration on the 14th. Chairman Chung used the crisis as an opportunity as the company …

It makes our daily lives safe through artificial intelligence solutions for video through cameras.
It makes our daily lives safe through artificial intelligence solutions for video through cameras.

(Source from Reuters/Alamy)Defining the meaning of image recognition: Importing specific information from image data. – At this point, image recognition has …

The company is currently showing medical innovation in the medical field with an artificial intelligence platform.
The company is currently showing medical innovation in the medical field with an artificial intelligence platform.

The company is currently showing medical innovation in the medical field with an artificial intelligence platform.If non-face-to-face treatment is the current …

Line-Z Holdings merger for one year…Quarterly sales exceeded 400 billion yen for the first time
Line-Z Holdings merger for one year…Quarterly sales exceeded 400 billion yen for the first time

n March last year, Japan’s No. 1 mobile messenger operator (Line) and No. 1 portal operator (Yahu Japan) became one family. On March 1, 2021, Naver and …

Minimum Wage Determination System for Each Country
Minimum Wage Determination System for Each Country

The controversy over the minimum wage heated up as the Korean government unveiled a draft of the minimum wage decision system on January 7. The issue of …

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