Red Korean ginseng is the best of all ginsengs

Nature, usually wild plants, provides us with many herbal remedies that helps cure a number of physical ailments. After extensive research to check if the plant is safe for human consumption, it is made available to people in the form of extracts.
Ginseng is an extremely popular herb, particularly in the Far East. Ginseng is a plant that grows widely in Korea because of its cool, suitable climate. The root is considered to be the most valuable part of the plant and is used extensively. However, some believe that the leaves have better therapeutic value that the roots. The red Korean ginseng, also referred as Panax Ginseng, is considered to be the best variety of ginseng available in the world because of its numerous benefits. Believed to be first cultivated in 11 BC, this herb has gained worldwide acclaim for its therapeutic properties. Although the polyacetylene present in Korean ginseng is known to be beneficial in the treatment of cancer and to calm the nervous system, the red Korean Ginseng has an additional benefit. It is has the ability to regulate heart rate, therefore making it an excellent tranquilizer. Among all forms of ginseng that are available, red Korean Ginseng is known to be the most expensive due to the cultivation technique used and the superior quality and capability of its final produce.
The red Korean ginseng benefits are primarily attributed to its unmatched mineral content as well as the vitamins, essential oils, amino acids and natural enzymes that it provides. Due to this high nutritional content, it is widely known for its ability to boost immunity. The acidic polysaccharides content and antioxidant properties also help in boosting the immune system thus minimizing the risk of infection and various ailments. This herb also acts as a wonderful natural detoxifying agent.
Red Korean ginseng is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and it is therefore used in the treatment of conditions such as arthritis. It is also known to be beneficial in bringing down cortisol levels – the stress hormone, thus preventing conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol as well as hypertension.

Go Cheol Nam Red Ginseng Co .Ltd.
CEO Go Cheol Nam
Int’l 82.2.2233.0801