[K-UNIV Reporter] New trend arrives in Korea: Multi persona

2 One man is an ordinary office worker who works for a company during the day. After the company, you could see him in an unexpected place, the recording booth. As the on-air turns on in the recording booth, he becomes a completely different person who you have never expected to see for him in the company. This is an example that explains the distinct feature of a modern lifestyle.

Multi Persona, the same as Me and Myselves. As modern society becomes complicated and media becomes personalized, people are living with a wide variety of separated identity nowadays. Some people become different when they work and after work. People change their faces like turning on the switch button when they are doing what they are enthusiastic about. In SNS, some want to communicate with others differently depending on which SNS they use whether it is Kakaotalk, Youtube, Twitter, or Instagram. Even some use several accounts in one kind of SNS to change their identity. It seems like people are choosing their persona they want and turn into a different person in each situation. From these circumstances, now it is more appropriate to change from myself to myselves.

1Not only we can find a multi persona from others, but there are also cases using multi persona as one of the concepts in various areas. For example, ‘Hang out with Yoo’, MBC TV program was well-received recently because of secondary characters. In the program, a comedian and host Yoo, Jae-suk showed diverse aspects of him not as the comedian himself but by getting another self such as a drummer, a singer and a cook. It blew fresh air and drew attention from viewers. In 2020 F/W online fashion week, which was progressed because of cancellation of all 2020 F/W fashion show, 2020 F/W ‘Multi-persona’ collection line was showed by DOUCAN designer Choi, Chung-hoon. He wanted to express the desire that modern people want to show their various identities depending on places and situations.

Multi persona is different from a negative double ego. By finding another hobby and persona, people could get pleasure and enjoyment. It could help them to deal with their situations properly. Each persona could also help boost up each other by giving the driving force of life. Even there are benefits, excessive usage of multi persona could be harmful by confusing real-self. It is important to consider and find ‘real myself’ using the advantage of multi persona.


Nahyun Lee

Asia Journal

(Los Angeles Times Advertising Supplement)