The Seanol, a marine-derived gift in biohealthcare market

How wonderful would it be if we could keep the biological clock from ticking? However, it ticks by every second, reminding us to seize the day, while we can. As we age over time, our joints, muscles, and bones wear out. However, unlike this normal process of aging, degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s Disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and cancer, speed up, causing tissues to degrade faster than normal. Millions of people around the world are affected by these diseases and certain types of degenerative diseases are consistently among the main causes of mortality in modern societies. With the rapid advance of technology, one would ask how close we are to stopping aging. Can we reverse aging?

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Dr. Haeng-Woo Lee, who tried to find an answer to this question, has immersed himself in research to prevent diseases associated with aging for a long time. He set his mind on finding a cure with no harmful side effects, dreaming up a safe ingredient which can generate healthy blood by itself when taken. Finally, he obtained a key not in terrestrial but in the deep ocean: Marine Oligomeric Polyphenol (MOP).

MOP is an edible extract from Ecklonia cava, which has been living in uncontaminated areas of the deep seas near Jeju Island in S. Korea for 1.7 billion years. It is a noteworthy one because it has a highly advanced polyphenolic biochemical structure and is more potent than any other land-based polyphenols. It contains much more powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Dr. Lee explains that it has a medicinal potentials on central nervous system diseases, and has excellent chronic inflammatory suppression effects, which are excellent for improvement of immune system. Especially in modern times when immunity is emphasized in the aftermath of COVID-19, MOP is considered as a remarkable one. Convetional methods aside, according to Ayurvedic medicine, there are immunity-boosting that can bolster any season. MOP can lower the level of such substances in the body and boosts the immune system. Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now. MOP reveals importance of immune system’s recognition mechanism.

MOP was recognized for its effectiveness and safety when US FDA authorized it as a new dietary ingredient (NDI) in 2008 for the first time in the world. Later in 2018, it is also authorized as a novel food ingredient (NFI) in the EU. BOTAMEDI, Inc., the company Dr. Lee runs, named this historical ingredient as ‘Seanol®’, which is a combination of ‘sea’ and ‘polyphenol.’


Seanol® involves in the healing process of damaged cells. Dr. Lee utilizes and boosts ‘Hydro-Network’ in Seanol®, which can enable to keep the hydration balance between outside and inside of cells. It can prevent cellular dehydration that is the main cause of aging and various unhealthy conditions. His technology provides a catalytic ability to induce cellular hydro-network, which causes our body activates itself as if it used to do when younger. It can contribute to the promotion of muscle growth, decrease of fat build-up and lowering of the chance of antiviral and antibacterial diseases initiation.

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Dr. Lee said that he wanted to utilize Seanol® into diverse formations so that as many people as possible can get the most effect of it. Seanol® has the potential to be used extensively in the fields of daily necessities, such as medicine, medicinal food, skincare and makeup products, beverages, and toothpaste. Dr. Lee developed a food additive, named ‘Mannas’, that can be applied to various foods. It can not only reduce absorption of fats, salts and sugars, but also enhance taste and preservation. Also, he began to produce a food enhancer with more cost-efficiency, named ‘MIWEI’, which can open new doors of healthy eating.


Human beings now dream about ‘Reverse-aging’, an advanced concept of ‘Anti-aging.’ Reverse-aging technology and enhancement of immunity would increase our lifespan but also healthspan which means the period of our life for which we can be healthy, happy, and productive. Innovation take places with each step we take, said Dr. Lee. He rendered Seanol® into ‘salt in 21th century.’ He said that most of companies in food or medical industry, and even in other industries, would look forward to introduction of the future food like Seanol® because of its wide applicability. He also expected open collaboration with global companies which can share the value and blueprint of future food with him.


Kayla Hong

Asia Journal

(Los Angeles Times Advertising Supplement)