The Key to Anti-Aging: Our diet

With the average life expectancy surpassing 100 years, when are we expected to retire? Because of this, industries that are related to the senior demographic are growing rapidly. When it comes to cosmetics, health foods, and bio industries, the information that is available to us is oversaturated.

Eunsuk Choi of ‘Grace & Honest’

Eunsuk Choi of ‘Grace & Honest’

Nowadays, the youth are more at risk of developing unhealthy eating habits than ever. They are more vulnerable to lifestyle diseases such as diabetes or obesity – diseases that are more common among the mature demographic.

Furthermore, the more they get exposed to the Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC), which interferes with the hormonal systems ━ synthesis, secretion, transport, action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body ━ that are responsible for development, fertility, and maintenance of cell metabolism, the more we tend to invest our time and money to suppress the formation of reactive oxygen which results in the protein oxidation that kills the cells.

Everyone desires a healthy and graceful aging process and to accomplish this, they constantly put in the effort. With that said, the message I’m trying to convey is that the food we eat today can either save or ruin our future.  Bad habit of heavily relying on supplements is the thing we need to end.

Do you know why they praise LCHF (low carbs high fat) while carbohydrates are avoided? Our body ages from inside and outside, as cells die from old age, our body shows signs of aging too. Although this is a natural process, bad eating habits can accelerate this process at an alarming speed.

There are a lot of toxins in carbohydrates that can speed up the cell cycle. Because of this, the market for products to counter this have grown tremendously. Our body needs adequate energy, minerals and vitamins. While these are necessary, it is also necessary to have a balanced intake on carbs, proteins, and fats as well. Our body requires a variety of nutrients, not just one.

The first step of anti-aging is to be fully aware of what we’re eating and to have healthy eating habits.

Eunsuk Choi

Grace & Honest

Health & Beauty Coordinator