Diverse Use of Artifical Intelligence

hhs대표_02Do you remember Google’s artificial intelligence “Alphago” and “Lee Sedol” 9-dan Go, which attracted public attention three years ago, ending with a disappointing defeat by “Lee Sedol” 9-dan, and imprinting the development of artificial intelligence on many people? Since then, artificial intelligence has been a hot topic. This development of artificial intelligence is one of the core of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has become a hot topic in recent years! In order to feel and find out the 4th Industrial Revolution, which everyone has heard of, but is confused about exactly what it is, ASIA JURNAL visited the 4th Industrial Revolution site, “SMART Factory + Automation World,” and covered it with feet and body.Recently, we have talked about the 4th Industrial Revolution in many fields, from news to school and work. However, do you all know exactly what the definition of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is? The “4th Industrial Revolution” is the first term advocated by Klaus Schwab, a professor at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, at the 2016 World Economic Forum, and refers to an era that brings about major changes such as past industrial revolutions in all fields, including economy and industry.In the 4th Industrial Revolution, there are many technical changes and introductions, and representative examples are “artificial intelligence,” “big data,” and “intelligence.” In 1913, Ford began introducing conveyor belts in the production of the automobile “Model T,” and there were many changes in the industrial field with the introduction of robots and the introduction of computers.

However, existing robots have only replaced humans with hard work and assisted humans with their work, that is, they can’t completely replace humans because they are only good at what they are given. Scientists and engineers who saw that longed for the development and emergence of “self-learning artificial intelligence” that could learn on their own like humans and replace them. In contrast to existing robots. Robots that do only what they do are called “weak artificial intelligence,” and artificial intelligence that learns by itself is often called “strong artificial intelligence.” With the development of various science and technologies such as “deep learning” and “neural network techniques,” “strong artificial intelligence,” which was only dreamed of in the head, has become possible in reality, and has begun to replace people by applying it to various industries.By combining these artificial intelligence with the latest technologies such as information and communication technology (ICT), big data, and blockchain and applying them to industrial sites, it has become possible to reduce costs and reconsider industrial efficiency through unmanned. The factory to which these technologies are applied is called a “smart factory.” The international trend is that several advanced companies, including GE and Siemens, turn their existing factories into “smart factories” to streamline their factories.

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In line with the international trend, Korea is also encouraging smart factorization such as the government’s “Smart Factory Supply Spread Project.” As part of this event, the “SMART FACTORY + AUTOMATION ” fair was held at COEX in Seoul on March 29, 2019. The fair was attended by leading companies in the international * to introduce their new technologies across various fields, and people from various walks of life met to discuss future directions for smart factories.As such, various industries now have expertise in utilizing artificial intelligence. But above all, how many companies specialize in measuring biorhythms correctly and collecting data? HHS CEO Han Hyung-seop designed a structure that measures brain waves, measures biorhythms, and utilizes artificial intelligence, which will not be easily selected and developed unless it is a professional company that can fully handle data. Maybe that’s why I want you to pay attention to this company.

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▲ HHS Co., Ltd.

▲ CEO : Hyung-seob Han


▲ www.hhskorea.com

▲ overhs@naver.com

▲ +82-10-6733-5112

Sam Kim

Asia Journal