Lazy beauty is now popular among Chinese women


As China’s economy grew rapidly, Chinese people, especially young people, spent a lot of time working, and most of the time commuting to and from work in large cities increased. Meanwhile, the word “lazy economy” has recently become popular among young people in their 20s and 30s in China. With the growth of the economy and the progress of society, convenience and convenience have been desired in various fields of life.Among modern people who are busy and mentally burdened, more and more people want to be free from the hassle of their hands in their daily lives. In particular, this trend is strong for young people, and more and more people want to make it comfortable even if they pay. Therefore, due to this change in trend, companies that release various cosmetics or beauty-related products in China would like to conduct marketing with lazy ease.According to social media services such as Sohong Book, most people say that they want to use less time but want to be beautiful easily, so cosmetics beauty devices have released products that increase convenience and efficiency to meet such needs. All-in-one cosmetics are popular among cosmetics.In the past, it was popular to apply different products at each skincare stage, but now the trend has changed and products are being released with various effects. All-in-one products are being released with skin lotion essence sunscreen. Hair straighteners that can automatically make hair curls are attracting attention in hair beauty devices. A curling iron that allows you to automatically wave your hair after a few seconds after you switch on the curling iron is popular. Women are becoming very popular, especially in that they spend a long time decorating their hair, which can save them time. Beauty equipment is also gaining huge popularity in China. Currently, there are many types of beauty devices, so the effects of devices such as washing beauty devices, ion introducers, high-frequency beauty machines, LED beauty machines, and MS microcurrent beauty machines are also diverse.KakaoTalk_20230512_155014325

(share how to put on make up)

These beauty devices, which eliminate the trouble of going to aesthetic salons and provide beauty care at a lower price than salons, are gaining popularity among consumers, especially young people of 90hu (born after 1990). Young people who use LED beauty face masks are advertising with the words, “You can be beautiful while sleeping, both hands are free, and the pore reduction effect is more than a salon!” In addition, it is said that time can be used more efficiently by promoting that you can feel multiple effects with a single led mask, and it is promoting that it has the effect of improving acne care, skin care, and skin brightness with one device. I don’t have the money or time to go to a beauty salon, and I want to do beauty care at home easily. For such modern Chinese, available beauty devices that are cheap and can easily achieve various effects have become indispensable. Fast 8 makeup is also popular in makeup. It means 8 a.m In China, the first class of university started at 8 o’clock, which was popular, but now it is a makeup that connects office workers and workers who go to work at 8 a.m. every day. And natural makeup, like without makeup, is also in fashion. In addition, in terms of makeup habits, more and more people are pursuing how to reduce the makeup process and increase the completeness in order to get a little longer sleep. In addition, by sharing on social media, more people are seeing new makeup habits, creating behaviors that they try to imitate themselves, and creating further spread.

Asia Journal