The global community is suffering from an early heat wave.

Even though summer has not begun, the highest temperature records are being broken everywhere. Scientists point out that extreme heat is an indicator of human-induced climate change.According to China’s Central Meteorological Observatory on the 16th, Beijing’s daytime high reached 35 degrees the previous day and rose to 34 degrees that day. A heat wave warning has been issued in Beijing since the previous day, the earliest measure in 17 years since 2006 when it was issued on April 30. In Jinan, Shandong Province, daytime highs rose to 37 degrees the previous day. In Yunnan Province in the southwest, famous for its mild weather, the scorching heat of more than 40 degrees has recently continued.

(Source from Reuters/Alamy)

Other Asian countries are also suffering from record heat. In Singapore, daytime temperatures soared to 37 degrees Celsius on the 13th, the highest in 40 years. Vietnam hit an all-time high of 44.2 degrees earlier this month, and the Philippines shortened school hours as its thermal index (feeling temperature) reached the “dangerous” level. On the 14th of last month, Thailand’s northwest Tak region had a thermal index exceeding 50 degrees. The thermal index is a sum of humidity and temperature, and it is very dangerous if it exceeds 55 degrees.High temperatures have also continued since the 14th in the Pacific region in the northwest of the U.S. In Seattle, Washington, the highest temperature record as of May 14 was broken, and in Fresno, California, temperatures are expected to rise to 38 degrees this week. In Alberta, Canada, high temperature and dry weather have caused up to 90 wildfires. World Meteorological Characteristics, a multinational climate research group, recently said, “An abnormal high temperature of 36.9 to 41 degrees occurred in Spain, Portugal, Morocco, and Algeria from the 26th to the 28th of last month, which happens once every 40,000 years before global warming.

(Source from Reuters/Alamy)

“In Korea, daytime temperatures in Gangneung hit a record high of 35.5 degrees in May, and temperatures in most parts of the country, including 33.7 degrees in Pohang, 33.6 degrees in Daegu, and 30.0 degrees in Seoul, were far above average. Sokcho and Donghae re-recorded the highest temperature in May at 34.4 degrees and 33.5 degrees, respectively.Experts predict that extreme climate phenomena will become more frequent due to the influence of El Nino in the second half of this year. Zhou Bing, a senior expert at China’s National Climate Center, warned, “El Nino will cause an inevitable abnormal climate phenomenon around the world.” Meanwhile, the U.S. announced a plan to purchase 3 million barrels of strategic reserve oil, raising concerns over rising oil prices and energy supply and demand this summer.

Sophia Kim