Digest proper information put before you

EUNSUK CHOI from 'Grace & Honest' / Beauty and Health Coordinator

EUNSUK CHOI from ‘Grace & Honest’ / Beauty and Health Coordinator

Do you think that there is any product that has only positive effects on your body? People who take care of themselves well enough do not grudge the time spent for obtaining information when choosing the best fit beauty and health supplement product.


We believe that the obtained knowledge could help us improve ourselves and make our own lifestyles. However, these days, we cannot clear our minds of doubts concerning if we are misinformed by the high-sounding nothingness circulating on the internet.

The digital divide in the internet is growing, which makes consumers feel pressure to fill gaps comparing different products or materials. Companies also realised the importance of capturing the speed of trend because hits can sell out rapidly, while misses, which are behind the trend, do not move even with heavy discounting.


While companies are struggling to divine what their consumers want and to adopt new strategies, here is one entrepreneur whom you should pay attention to. Of course, sometimes, it is also not easy for her to fully satisfy her consumers in the midst of the tendency for people to go overboard on new things. Still, she adheres to repeatedly telling the same theme about each product she sells with different episodes, hoping that her consumers can digest information contained in her narratives.

We cannot wear new clothes every day. Every product in the market cannot fit you perfectly. You should remember the outcome of your choice and update your own database for the next better selection.


If you want someone to help your choice, you have Grace from ‘Bucketgram’ here. She could help you to understand why this product is needed for you and to use the whole product at best effect. That is why her consumers wait for Grace’s storytelling and new products.



Eunsuk Choi

Grace & Honest

Health & Beauty Coordinator