Archive by category Life&Style

[Column] Every product works differently for every person.

Relationship doesn’t always stay the same. Actually, most things that are invisible to the eye do not. Out of all the things we buy, we purchase a lot of …

Daegu Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (Daegu CCEI)
Daegu Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (Daegu CCEI)

The Daegu Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (Daegu CCEI) was founded in 2014 through the government startup accelerator program in Daegu city, the …

[Column] Free from concerns about women’s health
[Column] Free from concerns about women’s health

We, women, usually heard of some advice; “women need their own care for ‘women’s health’”, “It is the privilege of women to have this special …

[Column] We have to stay alert on our toes
[Column] We have to stay alert on our toes

Along with fighting against the pandemic for almost a year, we get used to being positive while staying at home. However, it is sometimes difficult for us to …

Innovative technology in tailored and personalized nutrition
Innovative technology in tailored and personalized nutrition

Technology helps food manufacturers to produce more efficiently for a growing world population. Innovations, such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, …

Influencer market as a new opportunity for mothers
Influencer market as a new opportunity for mothers

Influencer marketing entrenched itself as a cohesive digital marketing in South Korea. ‘Influencer’ in social network service (SNS) now refers to people …

[Column] Your contentment depends on how you get
[Column] Your contentment depends on how you get

How do people obtain information through social media platforms to make current decisions about future outcomes in their bodies? Once news and media were …

Reduce nutritional imbalance with AI-delivered insights
Reduce nutritional imbalance with AI-delivered insights

 Protein is a necessary nutrient for the biological phenomenon. It is needed consistently from our diets in order to grow, maintain, and repair our tissues, …

[K-Univ Report] The K-food fever with the development of SNS
[K-Univ Report] The K-food fever with the development of SNS

    In the first half of this year, Korea food companies performed remarkably despite the economic downturn caused by a coronavirus. This is because …

Koreans Rediscover Their Roots During The 2020 World Heritage Festival
Koreans Rediscover Their Roots During The 2020 World Heritage Festival

On July 3rd, South Korea held their very own World Heritage Festival. The overall festival, which lasts for three months, is meant to celebrate the country’s …

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