Archive by category Business

AdROBO attempts to expand investment market between Japan and Korea
AdROBO attempts to expand investment market between Japan and Korea

Investors would all like to pick great investments on instinct. The process of investment involves careful study and analysis of the business to invest, as it …

Elematec’s new departure in expanding its business
Elematec’s new departure in expanding its business

Any company in the world is trying to discover new businesses and try new ones. However, in order to find new businesses, it is important to get good …

Changes in Beauty / Healthcare Distribution Companies in Japan due to COVID-19
Changes in Beauty / Healthcare Distribution Companies in Japan due to COVID-19

COVID-19 is making a big difference in the beauty/health care market in Japan. Traditionally, Japan’s beauty/healthcare market has grown mainly around …

Homecare device, HeartyHearty, will be around you
Homecare device, HeartyHearty, will be around you

  Your doctor may routinely monitor your heart with an electrocardiogram and the echocardiogram is a primary tool for diagnosing left ventricular …

New Challenge for Japanese Beauty/Healthcare Distributor, Medicaraise
New Challenge for Japanese Beauty/Healthcare Distributor, Medicaraise

Despite the spread of COVID-19 around the world, all economic activities and exports and imports of each country are weakening. As for cosmetics, exports and …

The wind of enzyme therapy blowing in Japan
The wind of enzyme therapy blowing in Japan

  As the COVID-19 infection is spreading around the world, many changes have occurred in our daily lives. The majority of stores are closed, so people …

7Gaa, trying to expand globally with 5G measurement technology
7Gaa, trying to expand globally with 5G measurement technology

Now mobile communications are changing from 4G to 5G. The next generation of network, the fifth generation or 5G, is conceived as a major technological …

Changes in the semiconductor market caused by the COVID-19
Changes in the semiconductor market caused by the COVID-19

Because of the spread of COVID-19, companies need to expand their servers as many around the world are increasingly using teleworking, online education, and …

Legal partner collaborating with global companies, Watson & Band
Legal partner collaborating with global companies, Watson & Band

The whole world is changing at a fast pace. We live in an era where standards for new technologies change everyday. Thousands of smart technology and contents …

Establishment of global network through cooperation with the Overseas Korean Journalists Association

The Los Angeles Times Asia Journal will work with the Overseas Korean Journalists Association (OKJA), which operates around the world, to further expand its …

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